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Well itwas christmas today…WHoopie!….

We went to see Harry Potter today..It’s not bad…not as good as the book naturally…

I got a wallet from shelly’s mom..Nice gesture but I guess I’m grumpy…I always seem to get wallets or shaving cream(ala darla and anne)…People should go to the $10 section of a game store and buy me one of those instead. Clothes and things like wallets always say to me, “You’re too ratty…here have something that will make you look less ratty while I’m around you.” I know that’s not what it means but it is always the way it feels to me. I would rather software or a game for one of my consoles. Sigh…I shouldn’t type this since I’ll probably get griped at…Oh well. I never cared much for the christmas holiday anyhow…All I wanted to do today was go waste my money at wal-mart but I gues I can’t have everything….My car is not working now….sigh…

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